Sermons on Isaiah (Page 3)

Sermons on Isaiah (Page 3)

Crown of Glory

God will have a remnant in this hour to whom He is a crown of glory/ a people who are carriers of grace and truth and who don’t allow the things of the world to diminish their consecration to God and His plan. The Church needs to come back to absolute obedience, a spirit of judgment and the strength to take the battle to the gate.

Check Your Life (Matthew 25)

Continuing the discussion on adoption, Pastor Ricley walks us through our part in the adoption process through a discussion of Matthew 25. You can bring a child home from the orphanage to live in your home, but if they don’t recognize your parenthood and authority in their lives, it makes a loving relationship difficult at best. All those in the parables in Matthew 25…

The God of Signs

Signs are the hand of God making a visible proclamation on the earth. Signs of God are detailed throughout the Bible. This sermon focuses on the flies in Egypt, binding the Word on your hand, sabbaths, Korah, Jonah, Ahaz & the sign of the sun dial for Hezekiah. Every sign of God belongs to the children of God.