Sermons on John (Page 2)
In The Beginning Was The Word
There was silence in the spirit realm before God created the Word and then spoke light into existence. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. In Him was life and our inheritance as children of God is that life which is the exact imprint of His nature. His life moving in us, directing us, shaping us from the inside out to be all He’s created us for. …
Follow, Come, Abide
Our relationship with Jesus begins when we hear Him say, “Follow Me” as He did to His disciples. He then draws us deeper into relationship as He implores us to “Come unto Me” and “Abide with Me”. Scripture: Matt 4:18-22, Matt 19-16-21, Luke 9:57-59, John 4:5-23, John 12:25-28, John 13:36, John 15:1-10
Pastor Ricley defines “holiness” according to the Word of God. Scripture: John 14:1-2, John 14: 18-27, Matt 24:15-19, Rom 8:8-9
Lowest Level
The flesh always seeks the lowest level, but those who seek to be sons of God yield only to His voice. Scripture: Job 23:1-12, John 1:43-49, John 12:20-27, John 14:1-9
He Came with Grace & Truth
The law was given by Moses. Grace & truth came by Jesus. We are partakers of that grace & truth when we’re born again. Scripture: Eph 2:1-9, John 1:1-17, Col 1:12-24
That Moment
Paul believed he was doing well until the Road to Damascus. He had knowledge, but was missing the Spirit of God, the voice of God. Nicodemus knew Scriptures, but did not know God. If you’re not born again, you can’t see the Kingdom of God. Scripture: Deut 29:29, John 3:1-16
The Word From The Cross
Words that take us past our flesh to follow Him. Scripture: 1 Cor 1:17-18, Luke 2:22-24, John 12:1-19, John 19:1-6, John 19:17-27
Because we live under grace, we tend to treat God’s Word casually and not do what it says. Living a sanctified life testifies to the world that God is who He says He is – our Healer, our Deliverer, our Light in the darkness. We are challenged to examine ourselves about what our lives say to the people around us about who He is. Sanctification leads to…
Transfer of Ownership
We were purchased at the Cross through the blood of Jesus. Transfer of ownership from the things of the world to the Body of Christ occurs as we are transformed from carnal to spiritual through complete surrender to the will of God. Scripture: Num 15:32-39, John 5:43-44
His Offspring
Caiphas spoke the words God gave him, not the words of arrogance & pride of the Jews. He will die on the cross & give everyone a pass. All will be His offspring. It is our Divine appointment to inherit the Kingdom. Doctrines of religion create a fantasy about who God is and His plan for His people. The Bible is the voice of God. Ask Him and He’ll give…