Sermons on Luke (Page 4)
Binding the Strong Man (Part 1)
Pastor Ricley is asked to explain what it means in Matthew and Mark to “bind the strong man”. He explains the meaning of those Scriptures by talking about how Jesus undermined the strong man in His day, how the church needs to bind the strong man today and how we each make choices about who the strong man is in our homes.
Overcoming Faith
God teaches us through our experiences how to move from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. Our carnal minds cannot see what God sees – cannot appropriate the plans He has for us and for His church. We need eyes of faith to see that as long as we are standing on the Word of God, where He has planted us, He will get us through whatever is ahead for us.
Covenants, Feasts, Sabbath, End Times
The Covenants, the 7 Jewish Feasts and the Sabbath Day all provide priceless information to the church about what the End Times are and what they are not. Satan wants to confuse the world and divide the church but if we understand God’s plan for His church, we cannot be deceived by the doctrines of men. The church must walk in truth and throw off the confusion that…
Forgiveness, Faith & Obedience
Forgiveness, faith and obedience are vital to our lives as Christians, yet they are also things we often find difficult. The more we practice forgiving and exercising faith in God, the more we will also obey Him in challenging times.
Getting Rid of Precious
The Gospel of the Kingdom means that Jesus is the King. If He is the King, then he must be obeyed, even when obedience to Him is costly to our flesh man (“precious”). Every Christian must choose whether to obey the King or obey “precious”. God is looking for people who love Him more than the world, more than their emotions, more than their own will.
Laws in Creation, Part 1
Each day of creation reveals God’s heart and mind to us, and teaches us the principles of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Part 1 covers the first four days of creation.
Songs of Degrees, Part 15
The Mystery of the Seventh Angel