Sermons on Matthew (Page 4)

Sermons on Matthew (Page 4)

What Is Truth?

The church is at a place where it should never have been – full of confusion. Everyone disagrees and the world knows it. How can this be when Jesus came to bear witness of the truth and every Book of the Bible reveals Him? We are the offspring of God and should be walking in that power and truth.

The Leaven of the Pharisees

The Bible tells us to beware the leaven of the Pharisees, and Jesus defines that leaven as hypocrisy. The Pharisees were focused on outside appearances and not concerned with the state of the inward man. They looked good, but didn’t know God. Pastor Ricley challenges us to examine our own relationship with God by the Word of Truth. Are we religious or Christian? Are we…

The Bethlehem Strategy

God knows how to bring us to the place where we can separate truth from lies. Religion can cause you to define God how you want, allow you to do what you want to do. False god versus True God. John saw God with eyes as flames of fire searching for dross that needs to be burned out. Saw the God who spoke light into existence. Bethlehem strategy gives us Jesus, born in a…

Healing the Blind & the Lame

We’re in an hour when the Church can’t afford to get it’s eyes off the eternal. We no longer have the time to become entangled in earthly squabbles. If ever the light of Jesus needed to shine, it is now. If we’re going to take the message of salvation to the world, our vessels must be clean. Jesus will cleanse this temple that we are if we want Him more than we want the…

A Womb Worthy of His Seed

Joseph is a picture of Christ and Tamar is a picture of a worthy bride, willing to risk it all – even unto death – to bring glory to God. God uses her life as an admonition to us – do we choose to be a concubine or the bride? To pretend or to marry truth? Anyone can go to church – but not just any bride will do. The choice starts with us.

Binding the Strong Man (Part 2)

The tool that Jesus used to bind the strong man is the same one we’re to use today – the Word of God. Lies of the strong man bind us up, The truth breaks the power of the strong man and sets us free. The strong man in us could be anger, fear, addiction; whatever it is, we can pray about it. God knows how to get us to the place where the Word stops the strong man. He that…

Forfeiting Joy

True relationship with God isn’t about religious acts or attitudes, it’s a condition of the heart. We may look as though we are righteous on the outside, but the Lord knows our every thought. When we step outside of a right relationship with Him where we walk and talk with Him daily, we are forfeiting the joy in fellowship with Him that He intends for us to have. We can…