Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Talking With God

Frequently we barge into the Throne Room with our needs and it takes awhile in prayer to come to the place where we are actually praising God and praying in the Spirit, speaking with Him as He desires. Pastor Ricley encourages us to enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise and in faith that He hears us, not because of who we are, but because of who He is.

The Bethlehem Strategy

God knows how to bring us to the place where we can separate truth from lies. Religion can cause you to define God how you want, allow you to do what you want to do. False god versus True God. John saw God with eyes as flames of fire searching for dross that needs to be burned out. Saw the God who spoke light into existence. Bethlehem strategy gives us Jesus, born in a…


God speaks like thunder. When you hear thunder, you’re close to the rain. God saves our soul and we doubt that He’ll get us through our Christian experiences, but the sound of thunder throughout the Bible tells us there’s nothing He can’t do, nothing we need that He can’t provide.

An Honest Judge

In this study, Pastor Ricley teaches on Psalms 11-15 and then he’s asked to explain 1 John 5:14-21. These verses all work together to establish that it’s only God who knows a man’s heart and He will always do what is right. We don’t need to understand, we just need to rest in His will in any given situation.

We’ve Got The Power

The church has forgotten that in the covenant is the Tree of Life. This tree isn’t for us because as believers we will never die. The Tree is for those around us who are dying in their sins. When we were washed in the blood, there was enough blood to cover all our sins for our entire life with some left over to give away. The church needs to return to fearing God, living…

Writing Our Own Psalms

Not every song (Psalm) that David wrote was joyous. Some of his Psalms simply conveyed the message that God was there, carrying him through his pain and confusion. God does not despise what we go through and the honesty of our feelings. We learn to write our own Psalms of joy and of sorrow curled up in the reality and the sovereignty of a God who is always there, even…

Shut in with God

God shut Noah in and provided all the protection he needed through the judgment that He brought on the land. God wants to shut us in to teach us that He’ll fight our battles for us, direct our lives, bring us peace in the midst of turmoil, safety in any storm. As we allow Him to teach us and transform us, we become His tabernacle and we can take Him wherever we go to…