Bible Study (Page 3)

Bible Study (Page 3)

The Framework

In this study Pastor Ricley defines “faith”, explains the difference between “salvation” and “faith” and talks about how true faith is the framework from which every other part of our walk grows.   Scripture:  Eph 4:4-6, Eph 4:11-16, Eph 2:8-10

Weapons of Our Warfare

Jesus was driven into the wilderness for 40 days and nights to be tormented by the devil.  We think He had an advantage we don’t have, but that’s simply not true.  He emptied Himself and came in the flesh – just like us and He had to learn how to fight spiritual battles just as we do.  He fought those battles and left us His example for victory in the…

This Is The Way

God teaches us through our experiences the things that only He can know we’ll have need of in the future He has planned for us.  We give God space to grow in us through obedience, even when it doesn’t make sense to us.  He won’t take more space than we give to Him.Scripture:  Matt 13:3-8, 18-21, Ephesians 4:17-32

Restoring the Joy

The hardest thing we experience as Christians is moving from strength to strength – ours to His. We start out like David, thinking we’re doing it all right in our own power, and then God takes us through circumstances that show us who we really are & that it’s impossible to do it in our own power. It’s in failure that we learn to rest in His ability to carry us, to…

Righteousness & Love (1 John)

The Bible tells us that we have righteousness by faith – but we are also compelled by Jesus’ life and example to do righteousness – and that certainly includes loving one another. God has a plan for His church and that plan has a deadline. We must move in concert with one another or, because we’re one body, we slow the progress of His church.