Bible Study (Page 4)
There’s a lot of talk about weapons today but there are no worldly weapons that will solve today’s issues. God reminds us in His Word that are weapons are not carnal, but spiritual and it’s with His weapons that we can make a profound difference in this world.
Benjamin’s Sack
Pastor Ricley answers questions about the gift of tongues, finding God’s voice in the Bible and whether Joseph put the cup in Benjamin’s sack out of anger or mercy.
Lay Aside Every Weight (Hebrews)
The Book of Hebrews serves as a reminder to us to go back to the foundations of what Christianity is. Our relationship with an indwelling God who directs our path daily as we yield to Him sets us free from bondage to the law. We can lay aside the weight of trying to get ourselves to heaven. Faith in His promises reassures us that as long as we stay in relationship with…
Let God Be The Judge
Jesus cautioned us not to judge by what we see and/or hear, yet we do wisdom the carnal way. Our flesh will always side with Barabbas. Our flesh looks at the story of Cain and Abel and we feel compassion for Cain and judge God as harsh – but God knew what was going on in Cain’s heart towards his brother long before he killed him. It’s not about man’s wisdom – it’s all…
Tremble At His Word
The Jews didn’t understand the covenant was about to end because they weren’t close enough to God to hear His voice and because they weren’t interested in giving up their kingdoms for His. The Christian Church is in much the same position today. The covenant is about to end, and most Christians have no understanding of that. We’re preoccupied with big buildings and…
Sacrifice of Righteousness
Pastor Ricley teaches on Psalm 4, the difference between the sacrifice of praise and the sacrifice of righteousness, the countenance of God, and the need for relationship with God as opposed to religion.
Battles Require Mind of God
Jesus was in a continual battle with the priesthood because they wanted to catch Him with His words to find a way to imprison or kill Him. We’re in the same battles today as more people want to fight against what’s true and right. We need the mind of God, the Word of God, the Spirit and Presence of God to answer the questions people have in this hour.
The Will To Do His Will
There are two spiritual kingdoms – the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. The desire to do His will is the ingrained evidence of God’s indwelling presence. The new man would want to do what pleases God. The old man cannot because it’s not under His dominion. If I want to do His will, He will lead me because I’m not in conflict with Him.
Walking in Victory
Pastor Ricley was asked to define what it is to walk in victory with Christ. He answered the question using Joseph’s life as an example, showing how God brings us through every accusation brought against us. Our victory is assured because Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us.
Talking With God
Frequently we barge into the Throne Room with our needs and it takes awhile in prayer to come to the place where we are actually praising God and praying in the Spirit, speaking with Him as He desires. Pastor Ricley encourages us to enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise and in faith that He hears us, not because of who we are, but because of who He is.