Sermon (Page 2)
Kiss the Son
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry… God talking about Jesus’ rejection in Jerusalem. A warning to be heeded in this hour when anger and resentment toward God is fashionable. If we’re not feeling tenderness towards Him, a desire to reach out and touch Him, it’s time to ask Him to help us bring our prayers to Him as kisses. Scripture: Psa 2:1-12, Song of Solomon 1:1-1-3,…
Change Your Address
If we don’t have landmarks we can lose our way and the devil can tell us we’re in a place of defeat we’ll never get out of. We need a reference point and our reference should always be the Word of God. Scripture: Gen 12:1-9, Exod 40:31-38
The Word of God will cover our mind just like an application of paint covers a wall. God intends for us to make application of what He says in our lives, our marriages, with our kids, in our communities. Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1-6, Matt 10:5-15
The Word Becomes Flesh
When we truly believe the Word and do what Jesus teaches, we become a witness for Him. The Word becomes flesh in us and we can move in the authority He moved in. We have this truth in an earthen vessel that needs to be broken so the glory can shine through. Scripture: 1 John 2:15-16, Mark 6:14-26
COVID, fires, social unrest, political upheaval, hurricanes – it’s clear that God is judging this nation. We’re in a state of apostasy – people know God but refuse to honor Him as God and we’re seeing the result. Apostasy is changed when people decide to live righteously and believe God. We owe it to future generations to repent and return…
Repentance, Wind and Fire
God brought the fire to separate the children of Israel from the armies of Israel at the Red Sea and He brought the wind to dry the land so His people could move forward in Him. God gives us the Holy Spirit to get between us and the darkness we’ve left behind. It’s to lead us on in such a relationship with Him that nothing separates us and His Word is…
Arm Yourself
The Church is in transition from the flesh realm to the spirit realm. The flesh is not equipped for the battle, our emotions have no place in it. Our strength, salvation and victory come from being armed in the Spirit. Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-6, Luke 11:17-23, Rom 13:11-12, 2 Cor 6:1-18, Mal 3:13-1
Led By The Spirit
Apostles were scattered in Acts, and it sounds like Philip went to Samaria by choice. He went by Divine Appointment because the time was now ripe for them to receive and be saved. Peter & John were led by Spirit to go and lay hands on those people so they’d receive the Holy Spirit. What God did in the Apostles, He will do in us as we learn to exercise…
Born of God
We are the offspring of God, why do we live at a level lower than that? We’re born of God but the church has a dysfunctional attitude about the flesh coming into righteousness. Christ is meant to be manifested through us in authority and power but we have to let out lives be altered by God. Acts 9:1-12, John 1:8-13, 1 John 3:2-16
Holy Spirit Wind
The wind of the Holy Spirit is moving through the church and it will only take a spark to create a fire! We need to be in prayer about the gifts and fruit of the Spirit in us and the church. Scripture: Ezra 7:12-18, Ezra 8:21-28, 1 Cor 12:1-3, 1 Cor 12:31, 1 Cor 13:1-13, 1 Cor 14:26-33