Sermon (Page 3)
The Nucleus Is Christ
God ordains how things operate in the physical realm and we have no right to mess with His design. It’s the same in the Spiritual realm – we have no right to mess with truth, His plan, His timing. We need Him at the very center of all we do, say, think in order to be effective for His Kingdom. Scripture: John 20:19-23, John 20:26-21:18
The Transformed Mind
We want the territory we are to be the safest place for God to inhabit so we can take Him behind enemy lines and we’ll be part of a defense that won’t back up. The only obstacle we have to being those kinds of soldiers is our minds. God starts with the premise, ‘Lay down your will”, “present yourself as a living sacrifice” and He will…
Seeing Jesus
The church needs to learn to discern what’s going on in the Spirit realm, but that’s impossible to do with so much flesh in the way. The Five Fold Ministry doesn’t finish the work in us that God intends. Only Jesus can do that, so we must grow to see Him as He is. Scripture: John 4:1-29, Matt 16:5, Exod 13:20-22, Exod 14:19-20, Exod 40:33-38, Rom 5:15
Spirit vs Intellect
Satan plays to the ego of humanity and works against the people of God. If we look at what he’s done in the past, we would know what to expect now. Our intellect will throw out the parts of the Bible we don’t like, but God expect His people to sort out the spiritual things. Our intellect won’t take us where God wants us to go. Scripture: Rom 9:8-13,…
Days of Elijah
We’re seeing an escalation of events. Where do you go for shelter when it looks like there is no where to go? Go to place of humility and seeking God’s face. Go to the promises of God. Scripture: Rom 9:1-4, Gal 4:3-5, Rom 8:15, Rom 8:1-6
Cleansing The Temple
The Book and a heart that’s right. God can entrust His Word to a heart that’s humble and in right relationship with Him. Scripture: 2 Chron 34
Revelation of the Balance of God
We have a tendency to discover an attribute or two of God’s and to define Him by only those attributes, making Him so much smaller than He is and missing the glorious balance that exists in all the attributes He has. Scripture: 1 Tim 3:16, Exod 20:5, Zech 8:2-8, Psa 89:14, Deut 3:23-26, Luke 9:28-31, Heb 12:29
Love Demands
Without these 3 things God’s glory departs: love, grace & truth, God’s anointed ministries. Scripture: 1 Sam 4:19-22, Rom 13:1-10 (EBR), John 19:15
Put On The New Man
Pastor Ricley goes through the Book of Ephesians explaining what it is to be a prisoner of Christ as Paul was and what a Christian looks like when they “put on the new man”. Scripture: Eph 1:3-12, Eph 2:1-20, Gen 2:3, Gen 9:5-6, Eph 3:16-21, Eph 4, Eph 5, Eph 6
Covenants of Faith & Blood
Pastor Ricley talks about the Old and the New Covenant and how the devil consistently twists God’s Word to make God the problem. Under the New Covenant we have a living Savior who dwells inside of us to see us through the enemy’s attempts to deceive. Scripture: Isa 58:1-14, Gal 1:1-6, Matt 23:1-36, 2 Cor 11:1-4, Rev 12:;1-16, Jer 12:1-40