Sermon (Page 4)
Grace & Truth
There are those who see the law of the Old Testament as harsh and impossible, but on examination it was actually the foundation for relationship after relationship that was facilitated by the grace and truth that came through Jesus. We need all of it in order to be the church that God needs in this hour. Scripture: John 1:14-18, Exod 24:12-25:9, Gen 11:31, 1 Cor 3:9-17,…
An Everlasting Foundation
God is bringing us to a place where we understand how important it is that we be about our Father’s business. The world won’t be impacted by us until we let go of it and allow our flesh to be consumed by the fire of God, leaving His power to work in us and through us. Scripture: Prov 10:25, Heb 11:9-10, 1 Kings 18:1-19, Isa 28:1-11
In The Beginning Was The Word
There was silence in the spirit realm before God created the Word and then spoke light into existence. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. In Him was life and our inheritance as children of God is that life which is the exact imprint of His nature. His life moving in us, directing us, shaping us from the inside out to be all He’s created us for. …
The Anchor Holds
The hour is chaotic and we’re all wanting God to fix things in the physical realm. In reality, God wants us to lean on Him for our physical needs while He works to get our hearts and spiritual lives in order. It’s not a time to panic, but to pray. Scripture: Acts 1:4-8, Acts 28:16-31
Follow, Come, Abide
Our relationship with Jesus begins when we hear Him say, “Follow Me” as He did to His disciples. He then draws us deeper into relationship as He implores us to “Come unto Me” and “Abide with Me”. Scripture: Matt 4:18-22, Matt 19-16-21, Luke 9:57-59, John 4:5-23, John 12:25-28, John 13:36, John 15:1-10
The Measureless Love of God
In Gen 1 God reveals Himself as a God of light, voice, separation, consistency, renewal, replenishing & most of all, measureless love. Scripture: Gen 1:1-15, Acts 1:6-8
Psalm 20
We are very close to living at a 5G speed all over the world, things are changing around us very rapidly. God tells us not to be afraid, not to trust in man’s ways but to trust only in Him. There is a Sabbath coming to the church. You have to know how much God loves you in order to truly believe He’ll take care of you. Scripture: Psalm 20
Lowest Level
The flesh always seeks the lowest level, but those who seek to be sons of God yield only to His voice. Scripture: Job 23:1-12, John 1:43-49, John 12:20-27, John 14:1-9
Vengeance – An Imperfect Plan
David sent Nabal a message of peace and Nabal insulted him. David sought vengeance until he encountered Abigail – a woman of good understanding. Vengeance seemed like a great plan until God showed David the cost. Scripture: 1 Sam 25:1-32
Where’s Your Treasure?
The church is being challenged to examine where our treasure lies. Are we heavenly minded or earthbound? We can’t surrender completely without the Holy Ghost, so we should be praying for the manifestation of the Spirit for our eternal profit. Scripture: 1 Cor 12:1-10