Sermon (Page 6)
Law of Life
Pastor Ricley discusses the difference between physical circumcision and us “being the circumcision” through Christ. Scripture: Phil 3:3, Gal 5:4-24, Luke 12:1-19
Perfection Requires Fire
God was able to put Job through the fire because he was mature in his relationship with Him. Jacob was prepared to meet Esau because he and God had done business the night before. Daniel could be left behind in Babylon because he knew where his strength came from and God knew he would not bow. God is calling us to perfection and we’ll get there. It’s okay…
Because we live under grace, we tend to treat God’s Word casually and not do what it says. Living a sanctified life testifies to the world that God is who He says He is – our Healer, our Deliverer, our Light in the darkness. We are challenged to examine ourselves about what our lives say to the people around us about who He is. Sanctification leads to…
Walking Worthy
We all set someone on the throne of our heart. Adam chose Eve over God. When we do what we want, we choose self over God. There is no peace when there is flesh on the throne instead of God. Walking worthy to be a son means understanding God’s will and living our lives according to that will. Scripture: Col 1:8-11, 1 Sam 25:9-32, 1 Chron 17:1-10, 1 Chron…
Born in Flesh vs Spirit
There is a difference between voices who claim to be Christian. There is a difference between being born of the flesh & born of the Spirit. The Spiritual man has grace and mercy – he’s not above others, just beat up, scarred and obedient. Being born again manifests a genuine and obvious transformation in a person. Scripture: Gal 6:1-15, Matt 21:33-38
Listen & Do
We know the Word, we study the Word, but it’s time to do the Word. Obedience is the beginning of victory. Scripture: Luke 11:21-52, Psa 119:125-130
Transfer of Ownership
We were purchased at the Cross through the blood of Jesus. Transfer of ownership from the things of the world to the Body of Christ occurs as we are transformed from carnal to spiritual through complete surrender to the will of God. Scripture: Num 15:32-39, John 5:43-44
God’s Glory
Men want identify, glory and power, but God wants the Glory. Ministry isn’t about power, it’s about service and teaching others what to do. Scripture: Eph 1:1-11, Luke 4:5-6
We tend to identify people based on their past, their family, their job, their appearance. Even the church identifies people as Christian or sinner and sinners are problematic! Jesus teaches us, through the story about Zacchaeus, that it’s not our role to assess, but to touch people who are struggling and show them the way out of where they are. He touched him,…
Wear Your Uniform
The things we say, think and do are directly related to how we see ourselves, who we identify with. Identifying with righteousness has a cost. The church is blending, not standing apart from the world as it becomes more difficult to stand for truth and what’s right. Our Christian “uniform” sets us apart and shows the world there are other choices. We…