"church" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)
Message of Truth & Hope
When the Spirit and Presence of God is within us, He can get us to the right place at the right time with the right message. Churches are distracted and weak, fighting each other over doctrinal issues while the real enemy rages and is robbing people of peace and hope. Put off the old man and be renewed so if you’re the one person standing between heaven and hell in a…
Tremble At His Word
The Jews didn’t understand the covenant was about to end because they weren’t close enough to God to hear His voice and because they weren’t interested in giving up their kingdoms for His. The Christian Church is in much the same position today. The covenant is about to end, and most Christians have no understanding of that. We’re preoccupied with big buildings and…
Battles Require Mind of God
Jesus was in a continual battle with the priesthood because they wanted to catch Him with His words to find a way to imprison or kill Him. We’re in the same battles today as more people want to fight against what’s true and right. We need the mind of God, the Word of God, the Spirit and Presence of God to answer the questions people have in this hour.
The Restitution of All Things
The church has a destination and all the tools needed to arrive successfully, but the priority is big buildings and successful men instead of souls and knowing God and His plan for the end times. God showed these things by the mouth of all His prophets, so the church should know the plan because Jesus opened The Book.
What Is Truth?
The church is at a place where it should never have been – full of confusion. Everyone disagrees and the world knows it. How can this be when Jesus came to bear witness of the truth and every Book of the Bible reveals Him? We are the offspring of God and should be walking in that power and truth.
Outside The Camp
God has declared to Moses that He will no longer go with Moses and the Children of Israel because “they are a stiffnecked people”. The problem is with the attitudes of the people and their lack of willingness to humble down to God, but God is looking to Moses, His leadership, to resolve the issue. Moses moves the Tabernacle outside the camp, thereby separating the people…
True Communion (Part 1)
Pastor Ricley teaches in 1 Cor 11 and John 6 to confirm that true communion is a spiritual state – a deep fellowship with and in Christ – a fellowship in His sufferings and resurrection – that has been reduced by the church to the physical act of partaking in bread and juice. Our very life is meant to be a living memorial to Him, far beyond our carnal understanding of The…
The Christian Race
The church is the body of Christ and it’s divided and scattered. God has promised a deliverer to bring truth and a voice of unity into the varied denominations to bring out those who truly desire to walk perfectly with God. One church, one truth, one God.
A Call to Prayer
The church has lost her sense of the sovereign presence of God. The power that God intended for His church is no where to be seen and it’s no more evident than in the moral decay and loss of hope in the world around us. We need signs in the church today so people can see God moving in our lives. The people at Pentecost were in agreement that they needed the power that…
Hid, Dead, & Safe!
It takes faith to receive the meat of the Word, even if we don’t see it. Colossians 3 tells us that our flesh died at Calvary with Jesus. It takes faith to receive that when we see anger, wrath and malice in our lives. In God’s view, the flesh was dealt with on the Cross of Calvary. The Word of God is for application in our life so we become something that glorifies God…