"faith" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)
Faith in Action
The conviction of the truth that ends in right actions. The result of faithfulness is change. Faith is not fairy dust that removes our responsibility to obey what God wants. If we choose not to obey, there is also a mountain of cursing. There is a highway of holiness and it’s defined by God’s Word. We need to have faith in both the blessings and His correction. God won’t…
Purpose of God
God has a purpose in all our lives. Sometimes we go through really hard things to either prepare us for His use or so that those around us can see Him working through our circumstances. In the midst of the devil’s lying voice we need to remain steadfast and hold to the promises of God, trusting that He has a plan we cannot yet see.
As children of God, we never, ever have to resign ourselves to defeat. We have an anchor in Christ Jesus that we can use to stop the slide into resignation as His Word gets us back on course.
Hold to the Light
In John 12 Jesus was prophesying about the things to come and the darkness that was going to descend when He was crucified. There was no way the people were going to understand His words in their carnal mind, but He was instructing them to hold on in faith to who they believed Him to be. If they believed He was the Messiah, that was all they needed and all that was ahead…
Civil War
After Solomon’s death, God rent the kingdom from Rehoboam’s hands as He had told Solomon He would do, and He made Jeroboam King of Israel. There was a physical civil war between the 2 kingdoms and there was a spiritual civil war in Jeroboam’s heart as he had to choose between the promises God had made to keep him with the voices that told him that the people would return…
Identity Crisis
All too often the church identifies with the God who judges. We read the Word and we identify with the ungodly and expect wrath to be poured out on us. It’s time for the church to identify with the God of victory, the Author and Finisher of Our Faith, the God who comforts. It’s time for the church to remember that we are His offspring, born of Champion seed and that we…
Circumstance or Character?
We are given the shield of faith as part of the armor of God. If we live in a physical realm, we expect the shield to protect us. Shield of faith is to be used to protect the character of our life. There are things that come our way in the physical realm that come against our flesh, our family, the church. We’re meant to use the shield to stop circumstances from touching…
Overcoming Faith
God teaches us through our experiences how to move from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. Our carnal minds cannot see what God sees – cannot appropriate the plans He has for us and for His church. We need eyes of faith to see that as long as we are standing on the Word of God, where He has planted us, He will get us through whatever is ahead for us.
Hid, Dead, & Safe!
It takes faith to receive the meat of the Word, even if we don’t see it. Colossians 3 tells us that our flesh died at Calvary with Jesus. It takes faith to receive that when we see anger, wrath and malice in our lives. In God’s view, the flesh was dealt with on the Cross of Calvary. The Word of God is for application in our life so we become something that glorifies God…
Forgiveness, Faith & Obedience
Forgiveness, faith and obedience are vital to our lives as Christians, yet they are also things we often find difficult. The more we practice forgiving and exercising faith in God, the more we will also obey Him in challenging times.