"Holy Spirit" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)
Sacrifice of Righteousness
Pastor Ricley teaches on Psalm 4, the difference between the sacrifice of praise and the sacrifice of righteousness, the countenance of God, and the need for relationship with God as opposed to religion.
Battles Require Mind of God
Jesus was in a continual battle with the priesthood because they wanted to catch Him with His words to find a way to imprison or kill Him. We’re in the same battles today as more people want to fight against what’s true and right. We need the mind of God, the Word of God, the Spirit and Presence of God to answer the questions people have in this hour.
The Will To Do His Will
There are two spiritual kingdoms – the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. The desire to do His will is the ingrained evidence of God’s indwelling presence. The new man would want to do what pleases God. The old man cannot because it’s not under His dominion. If I want to do His will, He will lead me because I’m not in conflict with Him.
Fire is Better than Water
Few talk about how Jesus promised to send “another Comforter” – the Holy Spirit to bring us comfort in the storms. God comes inside us, births us of the Spirit, so we can have relationship with Him. We repent, are born again and are baptized in the Holy Spirit. The rebirth opens our ears to His voice and it’s the fire baptism that leaves in ashes those things we want out…
The Prince of This World, Part 2
Continuing to look at the final discourse Jesus had with His disciples before His crucifixion, we learn about the power of the Comforter and the power of true spiritual morality in the life of a believer.
The Prince of This World, Part 1
The Bible tells us in John 14:30 that the prince of this world had nothing in Jesus. As His people, we want the same to be true in our lives. We want to understand what spiritual morality really is and we want our lives to reflect it.
In the final study of the three patriarchs, we come to a central concept of Christianity: “Having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3). God shows us, through Jacob’s life, that part of our walk when God most fully reveals Himself to us as the Lord and the Potter.
God’s Got a Dream
Do you want to be a chicken or an eagle in the kingdom of God? Knowing what God’s dream for His people is gives us the opportunity to make it our dream, too, and to use the wings God gives the church to soar in the spirit.
Catch the Vision
This sermon talks about coveting the best gifts and how God has given gifts to the church in order for the world to be touched on an individual basis.
Choloma Transcript Day 4-5
The End Times: Correcting what Man Teaches with what the Holy Spirit Teaches