"obedience" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)
Under God’s Dominion
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel refused what the world had to offer them in the palaces of Babylon and remained under the dominion of God. We have things in our lives we need to set aside in consecration to God in order to experience the joy of right relationship with Him. Only one Kingdom will stand when it’s all said and done and we want to be on the side of…
Faith in Action
The conviction of the truth that ends in right actions. The result of faithfulness is change. Faith is not fairy dust that removes our responsibility to obey what God wants. If we choose not to obey, there is also a mountain of cursing. There is a highway of holiness and it’s defined by God’s Word. We need to have faith in both the blessings and His correction. God won’t…
Picture of a Model Servant
1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 is God’s picture of what a model servant would be like. Begins by reminding us that our success is assured as long as we allow Him to lead us. He knows how to get rid of the old man in each of us. Our success is assured because He lives in us.
Wholesome Words
The Bible tells us that God is our master and we are to honor our master. Paul called himself a bond slave to God and he was ready to do whatever God told him to do, at whatever the cost would be to him personally. People no longer know how to bow their knee to God and give Him the fear, honor, love only He is worthy of. We are to read the Word, obey the Word, stand on…
Outside The Camp
God has declared to Moses that He will no longer go with Moses and the Children of Israel because “they are a stiffnecked people”. The problem is with the attitudes of the people and their lack of willingness to humble down to God, but God is looking to Moses, His leadership, to resolve the issue. Moses moves the Tabernacle outside the camp, thereby separating the people…
Trust and Obedience
God is drawing us into deeper relationship with Him so we want to be consecrated to Him. Out of that consecration comes perfect trust and a desire to obey Him, no matter the cost.
Representation of God
We either represent or misrepresent Christ in the lives we live out in front of others every day. Sin separates us from the very power that makes us sons. Jesus is our example of perfect obedience – obedience so perfect He could enter the Pool of Bethesda and heal only one person when everyone in there had to be crying out for His touch. We have the power to become sons -…
Check Your Life (Matthew 25)
Continuing the discussion on adoption, Pastor Ricley walks us through our part in the adoption process through a discussion of Matthew 25. You can bring a child home from the orphanage to live in your home, but if they don’t recognize your parenthood and authority in their lives, it makes a loving relationship difficult at best. All those in the parables in Matthew 25…
To Whom Will God Look?
Isaiah 66:2 tells us that God will look to the one who is poor, of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at His Word. The story of Jonah illustrates the way God is able to encourage us to walk in such an attitude.
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The Old Testament story of Hagar can help us understand what it means to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.