"promises" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

"promises" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Lay Aside Every Weight (Hebrews)

The Book of Hebrews serves as a reminder to us to go back to the foundations of what Christianity is. Our relationship with an indwelling God who directs our path daily as we yield to Him sets us free from bondage to the law. We can lay aside the weight of trying to get ourselves to heaven. Faith in His promises reassures us that as long as we stay in relationship with…

A Devout Man

There were 3 men described as “devout” in the New Testament. Each story was about how God moved powerfully in their lives, honoring their devotion. Be encouraged that as we determine to be devout in our relationship with God He will use us and move through us in the same ways. Scripture: Acts 8:1-3, Luke 2:25-35, Acts 10:1-6

The Restitution of All Things

The church has a destination and all the tools needed to arrive successfully, but the priority is big buildings and successful men instead of souls and knowing God and His plan for the end times. God showed these things by the mouth of all His prophets, so the church should know the plan because Jesus opened The Book.

Purpose of God

God has a purpose in all our lives. Sometimes we go through really hard things to either prepare us for His use or so that those around us can see Him working through our circumstances. In the midst of the devil’s lying voice we need to remain steadfast and hold to the promises of God, trusting that He has a plan we cannot yet see.

The Tried and Proven Seed

When Satan wants to buffet us he has to get between us and the power of God. We are born again of incorruptible seed. In order to war with us, Satan has to be able to bypass the seed that God planted in us. That seed originated in Jesus and has been passed to us – a seed that cannot fail. The life of that seed alters everything in our life. The devil wants us to forget…

Right Fellowship

Between the promise and the realization of the promise is a rest. The Apostle John tells us that in right fellowship with Jesus, we have the ability to behold Him, to touch Him, to hear and see Him. In that right fellowship we learn that we can rest in who He is, and not in who We are. Right fellowship assures us that He is our Potter and He is pleased with His work.…