"religion" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)
All is Vanity
We look at things on the outside and decide their value. God’s not interested in the outside appearance of anything – He’s interested in substance. Saul impressed the people but he was ruled by fear and impatience, not a leader. David was physically unimpressive – but a man of true substance. The Israelites rejected commands of God and chose goddess of fortune &…
Outside The Camp
God has declared to Moses that He will no longer go with Moses and the Children of Israel because “they are a stiffnecked people”. The problem is with the attitudes of the people and their lack of willingness to humble down to God, but God is looking to Moses, His leadership, to resolve the issue. Moses moves the Tabernacle outside the camp, thereby separating the people…
True Communion (Part 2)
The carnal mind cannot walk in the spiritual things of the Word. The carnal mind wants physical things to hold onto. That’s one of the reasons so many Christians are returning to Jewish rituals. There is comfort in the physical things that are easily understood. Paul told the early Christians, “if you don’t know what to do, follow me, imitate me. Follow me as I follow…
True Communion (Part 1)
Pastor Ricley teaches in 1 Cor 11 and John 6 to confirm that true communion is a spiritual state – a deep fellowship with and in Christ – a fellowship in His sufferings and resurrection – that has been reduced by the church to the physical act of partaking in bread and juice. Our very life is meant to be a living memorial to Him, far beyond our carnal understanding of The…
Forfeiting Joy
True relationship with God isn’t about religious acts or attitudes, it’s a condition of the heart. We may look as though we are righteous on the outside, but the Lord knows our every thought. When we step outside of a right relationship with Him where we walk and talk with Him daily, we are forfeiting the joy in fellowship with Him that He intends for us to have. We can…
The Christian Race
The church is the body of Christ and it’s divided and scattered. God has promised a deliverer to bring truth and a voice of unity into the varied denominations to bring out those who truly desire to walk perfectly with God. One church, one truth, one God.
Documents of Adoption
Romans 8:15 says, “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Pastor Ricley calls on us to examine our hearts to see if we truly believe we’ve been adopted by God or if we’re seeing God through the eyes of religion, afraid that we won’t measure up. The Spirit of adoption frees…
Relax in the Seed
An acorn doesn’t look like it has the power of the mighty oak, but it does. When we’re born again, God put the incorruptible seed of His Son in us – and it doesn’t look like we’re like Him – but we are. When we get religious and set lofty goals for ourselves, our efforts steal our peace. It is impossible to bring forth what we think God wants in our own power. We need to…
We Are His Workmanship
Christianity is not a self-help religion but many Christians approach it that way. Find out whether you are behaving as God’s workmanship or your own workmanship.