"surrender" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)
Buying Oil
We get concerned about the end times and the timeline of future events when we should be focusing on our daily relationship with God. Jesus tells us in Matt 25 about the five wise and five foolish virgins. Some went in to Him and some did not. The difference was not in the watching, like some doctrines proclaim. The difference was in possessing the oil. The oil comes…
Conform To The House
It doesn’t matter where we start – it matters what happens on the journey. God takes us through the wilderness to get rid of our flesh. We can respond like the children of Israel and rebel or we can surrender to His will for our life. The Bride is born in the Spirit realm.
Perfecting Holiness
Our foundation for believing comes not from our intellect but from our sense of relationship with the Father. If we receive Him and put our confidence in Him, that relationship will grow continually. The Spirit in us starts as a baby and as we allow the fire of God to consume those things in us that do us harm and keep us from His perfect will, holiness is perfected in…
Who Is On The Lord’s Side?
The church denies that perfection is possible, yet God granted us robes of white linen and created in us a new man who cannot sin. We serve an indwelling God who teaches us to think like Him and reject sin. Through our surrender and consecration, our priestly garments, the world can see truth & the moral absolutes that God has created.
Thought Process (Malachi 3 & 4)
God sent a verbal confrontation to the Israelites through a verbal prophet addressing 7 ways they had lost touch with God. They had wandered so far from Him they forgot His blessings and favor toward them, they no longer felt His love for them and they no longer feared Him or felt His Spirit and Presence. Church today is not hearing God, not fearing God and lacks His…
The Author Of My Life
Jesus authored our lives as He lived His. We need to learn of Him, to use what He said and did and apply it to our lives. As we allow Him to lead us through in faith and obedience, the Kingdom is revealed and the world sees us as witnesses to how the Kingdom works in love, peace, faith, truth, hope and they will want in. We need to stop listening to the voice that…
Identity, Subjection, Success (Zech 4) (Part 7)
Zechariah is telling us about Jesus 600 years before He’s born, about the coming covenant relationship. He’s looking back at what couldn’t be seen – and forward towards what they couldn’t understand. Look back at ministries of Elijah and Moses – the 2 anointed ministries – what did they tell us? …
The Engrafted Branch (Zech Part 4)
When we place Jesus on the throne of our minds the way the disciples did, it causes people to wonder – not at us, but at the Branch that would cause such a desire for surrender.
Lay Aside Every Weight (Hebrews)
The Book of Hebrews serves as a reminder to us to go back to the foundations of what Christianity is. Our relationship with an indwelling God who directs our path daily as we yield to Him sets us free from bondage to the law. We can lay aside the weight of trying to get ourselves to heaven. Faith in His promises reassures us that as long as we stay in relationship with…
What Is Your Origin?
Pastor Ricley preaches on the book of Nahum and its significance for the hour we’re living in. This is a time of decision – the world or Jesus? In or out? Earthly minded or heavenly minded? Born of man or of God?