"truth" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

"truth" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

His Offspring

Caiphas spoke the words God gave him, not the words of arrogance & pride of the Jews.  He will die on the cross & give everyone a pass.  All will be His offspring.  It is our Divine appointment to inherit the Kingdom.  Doctrines of religion create a fantasy about who God is and His plan for His people.  The Bible is the voice of God.  Ask Him and He’ll give…

Dry Bones

The church has separated bone from bone through denominations and man’s doctrines.  The Bible started with creation and a warning – the devil is a deceiver, not just a liar.  The truth has become simply someone’s opinion today.  The Word of the Lord is life.  He will breathe life into us & we’ll live.  God will bring people out of religion and…

Recognize The Value

Abraham undervalued Sarah and gave her away – twice!  There could be no inheritance without Sarah.  God gives us things to do and we allow the devil to sideline us or put obstacles in our paths because we underestimate the value of the ministry God has placed inside us.  We need to stay with the truth and recognize the value of what God is teaching…

God Gives, Religion Takes

The crux of every problem in the Bible was people believing lies.  Sarah believed that every time Abraham looked at her he was disappointed in her, so she gave him her maid, the priests believed Jesus was after their kingdom – when He was their kingdom, Esau believed he would die and gave up his birthright.  When religion give a solution, it appears to be spot on…

Forgotten Covenant (Malachi)

The priesthood was meant to be messengers of God, instead, they did (and still do) cause many to stumble because of their unfaithfulness to truth and the covenant of Levi. Jesus lived the covenant relationship so perfectly that He found people who would follow Him in the midst of people who had lost God completely. We’re called to live a covenant life that will draw…

The Author Of My Life

Jesus authored our lives as He lived His. We need to learn of Him, to use what He said and did and apply it to our lives. As we allow Him to lead us through in faith and obedience, the Kingdom is revealed and the world sees us as witnesses to how the Kingdom works in love, peace, faith, truth, hope and they will want in. We need to stop listening to the voice that…