"truth" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

"truth" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

The Candlestick (Zech 4) (Part 6)

The candlestick and the 2 anointed ministries answer the questions, “Is there an absolute truth?” and, “Will people know it?” Will the church come to a place where there is a unity and an agreement? The Book of Zechariah tells us this is God’s plan and it will all come to pass. The candlestick is the Word of God illuminated by the oil poured out of the olive trees…

How to Be a Teaching Priest

As it was during the time of King Asa, so it is in this generation: “Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.” (2 Chron. 15:3). A teaching priest knows God, knows His voice and His statutes, and walks in obedience and surrender to God. The aim of a teaching priest is to establish a foundation of truth…

Battles Require Mind of God

Jesus was in a continual battle with the priesthood because they wanted to catch Him with His words to find a way to imprison or kill Him. We’re in the same battles today as more people want to fight against what’s true and right. We need the mind of God, the Word of God, the Spirit and Presence of God to answer the questions people have in this hour.

What Is Truth?

The church is at a place where it should never have been – full of confusion. Everyone disagrees and the world knows it. How can this be when Jesus came to bear witness of the truth and every Book of the Bible reveals Him? We are the offspring of God and should be walking in that power and truth.

The Bethlehem Strategy

God knows how to bring us to the place where we can separate truth from lies. Religion can cause you to define God how you want, allow you to do what you want to do. False god versus True God. John saw God with eyes as flames of fire searching for dross that needs to be burned out. Saw the God who spoke light into existence. Bethlehem strategy gives us Jesus, born in a…