"word" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

"word" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

Message of Truth & Hope

When the Spirit and Presence of God is within us, He can get us to the right place at the right time with the right message. Churches are distracted and weak, fighting each other over doctrinal issues while the real enemy rages and is robbing people of peace and hope. Put off the old man and be renewed so if you’re the one person standing between heaven and hell in a…

Battles Require Mind of God

Jesus was in a continual battle with the priesthood because they wanted to catch Him with His words to find a way to imprison or kill Him. We’re in the same battles today as more people want to fight against what’s true and right. We need the mind of God, the Word of God, the Spirit and Presence of God to answer the questions people have in this hour.

Heavenly Authority

The angel Gabriel had no qualms about the authority he had in delivering message to Mary about the birth of Jesus. Sometimes we’re troubled by the message because we just don’t get it. The world is rapidly changing. God wants us to take the salutation of the Word into our heart. He wants us to question what’s going on – is it from God? People say lots of things, prophesy…

The Value of the Laver

Before the priests went into the Holy Place, they had to stop at the laver and wash. It had no dimensions because the laver is a picture of the Word of God. It was made from the looking glasses of the women, covered with water. God takes out of our hands the mirrors we examine ourselves by, and He helps us examine ourselves by what He says and not the knowledge of good…

Binding the Strong Man (Part 2)

The tool that Jesus used to bind the strong man is the same one we’re to use today – the Word of God. Lies of the strong man bind us up, The truth breaks the power of the strong man and sets us free. The strong man in us could be anger, fear, addiction; whatever it is, we can pray about it. God knows how to get us to the place where the Word stops the strong man. He that…

Identity Crisis

All too often the church identifies with the God who judges. We read the Word and we identify with the ungodly and expect wrath to be poured out on us. It’s time for the church to identify with the God of victory, the Author and Finisher of Our Faith, the God who comforts. It’s time for the church to remember that we are His offspring, born of Champion seed and that we…

The Tried and Proven Seed

When Satan wants to buffet us he has to get between us and the power of God. We are born again of incorruptible seed. In order to war with us, Satan has to be able to bypass the seed that God planted in us. That seed originated in Jesus and has been passed to us – a seed that cannot fail. The life of that seed alters everything in our life. The devil wants us to forget…