"word" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)
Check Your Life (Matthew 25)
Continuing the discussion on adoption, Pastor Ricley walks us through our part in the adoption process through a discussion of Matthew 25. You can bring a child home from the orphanage to live in your home, but if they don’t recognize your parenthood and authority in their lives, it makes a loving relationship difficult at best. All those in the parables in Matthew 25…
Hid, Dead, & Safe!
It takes faith to receive the meat of the Word, even if we don’t see it. Colossians 3 tells us that our flesh died at Calvary with Jesus. It takes faith to receive that when we see anger, wrath and malice in our lives. In God’s view, the flesh was dealt with on the Cross of Calvary. The Word of God is for application in our life so we become something that glorifies God…
The War is About What You Believe, Part 2
Once a believer chooses to love the truth, God equips him to stand on it and for it.
The War is About What You Believe, Part 1
We behave according to what we believe. The devil knows this. He lies to God’s people about God and His Word because he wants us to believe lies. God said the truth will set us free. He also said that He is going to have a bride without spot or wrinkle, a perfected church.