Sermons on Faith (Page 2)
Righteousness & Love (1 John)
The Bible tells us that we have righteousness by faith – but we are also compelled by Jesus’ life and example to do righteousness – and that certainly includes loving one another. God has a plan for His church and that plan has a deadline. We must move in concert with one another or, because we’re one body, we slow the progress of His church.
Lay Aside Every Weight (Hebrews)
The Book of Hebrews serves as a reminder to us to go back to the foundations of what Christianity is. Our relationship with an indwelling God who directs our path daily as we yield to Him sets us free from bondage to the law. We can lay aside the weight of trying to get ourselves to heaven. Faith in His promises reassures us that as long as we stay in relationship with…
A Devout Man
There were 3 men described as “devout” in the New Testament. Each story was about how God moved powerfully in their lives, honoring their devotion. Be encouraged that as we determine to be devout in our relationship with God He will use us and move through us in the same ways. Scripture: Acts 8:1-3, Luke 2:25-35, Acts 10:1-6
We need to come to the place where we believe, truly believe, the things that God is saying. When we come to that place, God can use us to speak to those around us what He would say to them were He standing there when they need Him. A need specific word straight from Him through the mouth that He has given us. Time with God strips us of the hardness and unbelief that…
Faith in Action
The conviction of the truth that ends in right actions. The result of faithfulness is change. Faith is not fairy dust that removes our responsibility to obey what God wants. If we choose not to obey, there is also a mountain of cursing. There is a highway of holiness and it’s defined by God’s Word. We need to have faith in both the blessings and His correction. God won’t…
Authority and Power
Jesus sent out His disciples with the authority & power to cast out demons – to set people free from the things in their lives that separated them from God. We have been given the very same power, authority and commission, but we must apprehend it by faith and obedience. Where do we stand? Are we in opposition to the devil? If we are in opposition to the Kingdom of God in…
As children of God, we never, ever have to resign ourselves to defeat. We have an anchor in Christ Jesus that we can use to stop the slide into resignation as His Word gets us back on course.
The Robbery of Fleshly Arguments
The carnal mind is enmity against God. After the Sermon on the Mount there were two groups of people. There were those who humbled down, having received the baptism of John, and who knew that all Jesus had said was right. The Pharisees and lawyers argued against God’s Word and rejected Him and the blessings that faith would have brought to them. This sermon challenges us…
Hold to the Light
In John 12 Jesus was prophesying about the things to come and the darkness that was going to descend when He was crucified. There was no way the people were going to understand His words in their carnal mind, but He was instructing them to hold on in faith to who they believed Him to be. If they believed He was the Messiah, that was all they needed and all that was ahead…
Circumstance or Character?
We are given the shield of faith as part of the armor of God. If we live in a physical realm, we expect the shield to protect us. Shield of faith is to be used to protect the character of our life. There are things that come our way in the physical realm that come against our flesh, our family, the church. We’re meant to use the shield to stop circumstances from touching…