Sermons on Holy Spirit (Page 2)
Where’s Your Treasure?
The church is being challenged to examine where our treasure lies. Are we heavenly minded or earthbound? We can’t surrender completely without the Holy Ghost, so we should be praying for the manifestation of the Spirit for our eternal profit. Scripture: 1 Cor 12:1-10
That Moment
Paul believed he was doing well until the Road to Damascus. He had knowledge, but was missing the Spirit of God, the voice of God. Nicodemus knew Scriptures, but did not know God. If you’re not born again, you can’t see the Kingdom of God. Scripture: Deut 29:29, John 3:1-16
Kingdom Connection
Not everything that calls itself Christian is. With a Kingdom Connection, there is no power to heal, no power to deliver, no power for change. Scripture: Matt 8:5-13, 1 Kings 19:10-18
A People of Power
We are certain that if we have the power of God we’d feel it. Not so. We can be weak and still preach in power, have the power of healing because of the Spirit of God. Scripture: 1 Cor 2:1-7, Matt 5:17-19
Weapons of Our Warfare
Jesus was driven into the wilderness for 40 days and nights to be tormented by the devil. We think He had an advantage we don’t have, but that’s simply not true. He emptied Himself and came in the flesh – just like us and He had to learn how to fight spiritual battles just as we do. He fought those battles and left us His example for victory in the…
Flesh Is The Beast
The Bible tells us that the “man of sin” is going to rise up. This is corporate man thinking and responding in the flesh. The Beast is the flesh without God. We will either belong to corporate man or corporate God – the Body of Christ.
There’s a lot of talk about weapons today but there are no worldly weapons that will solve today’s issues. God reminds us in His Word that are weapons are not carnal, but spiritual and it’s with His weapons that we can make a profound difference in this world.
Benjamin’s Sack
Pastor Ricley answers questions about the gift of tongues, finding God’s voice in the Bible and whether Joseph put the cup in Benjamin’s sack out of anger or mercy.
Fire is Better than Water
Few talk about how Jesus promised to send “another Comforter” – the Holy Spirit to bring us comfort in the storms. God comes inside us, births us of the Spirit, so we can have relationship with Him. We repent, are born again and are baptized in the Holy Spirit. The rebirth opens our ears to His voice and it’s the fire baptism that leaves in ashes those things we want out…
What Are You Washing With?
God has provided two instruments for victory over the flesh: the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit. The blood and fire cleanse us, yet our human nature wants to default to cleansing itself by religious works and doctrines of men.