Sermons on Transformation (Page 2)

Sermons on Transformation (Page 2)

Restoring the Joy

The hardest thing we experience as Christians is moving from strength to strength – ours to His. We start out like David, thinking we’re doing it all right in our own power, and then God takes us through circumstances that show us who we really are & that it’s impossible to do it in our own power. It’s in failure that we learn to rest in His ability to carry us, to…

Perfecting Holiness

Our foundation for believing comes not from our intellect but from our sense of relationship with the Father. If we receive Him and put our confidence in Him, that relationship will grow continually. The Spirit in us starts as a baby and as we allow the fire of God to consume those things in us that do us harm and keep us from His perfect will, holiness is perfected in…

The Will To Do His Will

There are two spiritual kingdoms – the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. The desire to do His will is the ingrained evidence of God’s indwelling presence. The new man would want to do what pleases God. The old man cannot because it’s not under His dominion. If I want to do His will, He will lead me because I’m not in conflict with Him.


When we go to the altar and give our life to Christ, that’s just the beginning. We have to come to the place where we see the gift we’ve been given as priceless and worth any cost to hold on to. He who endures to the end shall be saved.


King Saul’s primary weakness was that he didn’t identify with any kingdom other than his own. He lacked both passion and vision. Fighting the enemy was just a job for him and he didn’t identify with the people he was fighting the battle for. The Church must get God’s vision, and be filled with a passion to defend ourselves and those around us from the attacks of the…