Sermons from 2017 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2017 (Page 2)

A Devout Man

There were 3 men described as “devout” in the New Testament. Each story was about how God moved powerfully in their lives, honoring their devotion. Be encouraged that as we determine to be devout in our relationship with God He will use us and move through us in the same ways. Scripture: Acts 8:1-3, Luke 2:25-35, Acts 10:1-6

Tremble At His Word

The Jews didn’t understand the covenant was about to end because they weren’t close enough to God to hear His voice and because they weren’t interested in giving up their kingdoms for His. The Christian Church is in much the same position today. The covenant is about to end, and most Christians have no understanding of that. We’re preoccupied with big buildings and…

Battles Require Mind of God

Jesus was in a continual battle with the priesthood because they wanted to catch Him with His words to find a way to imprison or kill Him. We’re in the same battles today as more people want to fight against what’s true and right. We need the mind of God, the Word of God, the Spirit and Presence of God to answer the questions people have in this hour.

The Restitution of All Things

The church has a destination and all the tools needed to arrive successfully, but the priority is big buildings and successful men instead of souls and knowing God and His plan for the end times. God showed these things by the mouth of all His prophets, so the church should know the plan because Jesus opened The Book.

The Will To Do His Will

There are two spiritual kingdoms – the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. The desire to do His will is the ingrained evidence of God’s indwelling presence. The new man would want to do what pleases God. The old man cannot because it’s not under His dominion. If I want to do His will, He will lead me because I’m not in conflict with Him.


You can’t learn discipline for self without someone on the outside teaching you. Self-control (temperance) is the last of the gifts – last of the fruits that God gave us. God gave us the Holy Ghost and out of it comes fruit. We are learning absolute self-control. We learn it first by discipline that brings us to surrender. Humility brings the victory.

Belief & Surrender Travel Together

The first thing we all want in our Christian walk is belief, but in fact, our surrender must come first. Surrender is the action that produces faith. Gideon asked the angel where the God of miracles was. He was there wanting to use 300 men to defeat an innumerable host of Midianites, but first Gideon had to obey God and destroy his father’s altars to false gods. As we…

Heavenly Authority

The angel Gabriel had no qualms about the authority he had in delivering message to Mary about the birth of Jesus. Sometimes we’re troubled by the message because we just don’t get it. The world is rapidly changing. God wants us to take the salutation of the Word into our heart. He wants us to question what’s going on – is it from God? People say lots of things, prophesy…